Health Care - Supreme Court Rules Obama's Health Care Reform Act Constitutional


June 28, 2012

In this issue:

Supreme Court Rules Obama's Health Care Reform Act Constitutional

In a landmark decision, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of President Obama's Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). At 2,400 pages, the PPACA is a complicated stew of insurance law, Medicare reform, and Medicaid expansion involving the creation of new agencies and insurance exchanges, delivery models and required benefits. The central goal of Congress was to expand coverage for people who were unable to get coverage or unable to get it at affordable prices. The method Congress chose to reach this goal was to require most people to purchase "off budget/off-balance sheet" mandated insurance coverage instead of using the traditional method of increasing taxes to fund additional health care spending. Constitutional attacks against PPACA began in the federal courts before the ink had dried.

To view the complete publication, click the link under Related Files.

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