Lunch & Launch: "Red Flags to Look for When Exporting Dual Use and Munitions List Parts"
Event Location
January 21, 12-1 p.m.
Lunch will be served, courtesy of Butzel Long.
Regulatory Compliance and Enterprise Risk Programs are becoming increasingly important to businesses of all sizes. Since all (or, many) regulatory intrusions add nothing to the "bottom line," many businesses tend to neglect robust (or any) implementation of a company compliance program.
Many of the regulatory requirements imposed by all levels of government significantly burden companies both administratively and financially, adding to the "Regulatory Misery Burden" associated with simply doing business.
Failure to comply, however, can have catastrophic consequences for the company, and (potentially, at least) for its officers and employees. One such important, oft-neglected compliance area is Export Administration. Many people are unaware that Export Controls can affect a company without a single item leaving the country.
This presentation will explore Export Administration and Sanctions.
Bill Eshelman is a Shareholder practicing in Butzel Long's Washington D.C. office. Mr. Eshelman's legal practice focuses on performance and cost accounting-related issues in government, construction and commercial contract litigation.