
In an era where artificial intelligence is transforming industries and workplaces, staying ahead of the legal implications is crucial for all businesses. Butzel understands the underlying technology and legal concerns whether it’s basic AI, machine learning, deep learning, or the latest IA iteration to hit the market, generative AI (“GenAI”) .

How We Can Help:

AI Usage Policies: We specialize in crafting comprehensive AI usage policies that address the responsible, legal, and ethical use of GenAI tools such as ChatGPT by employees within your organization. These policies can help safeguard your company against potential legal issues while harnessing the power of AI for productivity and innovation.

AI Vendor Contracts: Our team of technology-proficient attorneys understand that when your company contracts with a vendor to produce a service or tangible product that vendor’s “deliverable” may have been generated wholly or in part with GenAI tools. We are ready to craft and negotiate the necessary contractual provisions protect you from GenAI deliverables that run afoul of the law.

AI Compliance Audits: Our team can conduct AI compliance audits to ensure your company's AI initiatives align with regulatory requirements. We'll identify areas of improvement and recommend necessary adjustments to minimize legal risks.

Employee Training: We offer tailored AI awareness and compliance training programs to educate your employees about the responsible use of AI tools. This proactive approach can mitigate unintended consequences and liabilities.

AI Patent and IP Protection: If your company is developing proprietary AI solutions, we can assist in patenting and protecting your intellectual property to maintain a competitive edge while safeguarding your innovations. Our team can also assist you in maximizing the usage of information and materials that may be subject to the AI IP rights of others through IP audits, reviews and licensing.

Litigation: In the event of AI-related disputes or legal challenges, our experienced attorneys are well-equipped to provide expert legal representation, ensuring your interests are protected throughout the legal process.

AI Disclosures and Advertising: Our team can assist in creating industry-appropriate disclosures for AI use while enabling your team to make appropriate claims in advertising.

Cybersecurity and Incident Response: There is also a dark side to GenAI that goes beyond non-compliance with the law. Threat Actors are quickly adopting and adapting the many GenAI capabilities to devise new and difficult-to-detect ways to attack companies with extortion schemes and the exfiltration of confidential, sensitive, and valuable information. Our Cybersecurity team maintains constant contact with the front-line government and private companies that monitor these changing dynamics, and we bring the latest intelligence to you.

And More:  The technology around GenAI is dynamic and transformative. Many of the legal profession’s traditional practice areas are seeing impacts they never imagined. Our Emerging Technology lawyers stay abreast of these changes and work closely with companies to provide timely and effective counsel.

Butzel is committed to helping your corporation harness the potential of AI while minimizing legal risks. Explore our AI resource center for valuable insights, articles, and resources that will empower your organization to navigate the AI landscape confidently.

For personalized assistance and to discuss how we can tailor our AI legal services to your corporation's needs, please contact us today.


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