
Butzel advises clients on land use, oil, gas, and mineral rights. We also counsel on endangered species protection, wetlands management and development, water use and protection, and other natural resource issues. Our environmental team helps clients comply with federal and state statutes and regulations throughout all phases of a project, including project planning, permitting, construction, and operation. We assist with storm water and wastewater discharge permitting, habitat and wetland permitting, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and state law compliance.


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  • Create the first wetland bank in Michigan.
  • Assisted numerous clients with international transactions involving environmental due diligence and permitting throughout South America, Asia and Europe.
  • Represented manufacturing company with respect to multimedia inspection by state and US EPA
  • Successfully represented client in dispute with DEQ over wetland delineation for 50 acre development.
  • Assisted clients in obtaining permits and defending action in alleged disturbance of an endangered species (eagles).
  • Review and analyze environmental due diligence reports, and purchase agreements on behalf of buyers, sellers, and lenders, and advise as to potential environmental liability and available protections.
  • Assisting with PUD approval, condo documents, along with wetland, shoreland and sewer water permits for a 450-acre lakefront residential development
  • Various enforcement actions against industrial wastewater dischargers
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