
Butzel's attorneys have extensive experience defending professionals in the design, financial, legal, and medical industries. We advise accountants, architects, engineers, hospitals, lawyers, and physicians regarding disciplinary defense, ethics compliance, government compliance, malpractice, and risk management.

Our team understands the unique challenges and potential liability that professionals face today. We are seasoned litigators that first try to avoid the courtroom at all costs during the pre-lawsuit period. We always look to dismiss or limit cases at the earliest and most prudent juncture, but once a lawsuit is filed, we provide a sound, formidable defense.

We have significant experience representing hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, and other health care institutions in criminal and civil matters. Our attorneys have acted as personal counsel for physicians and other medical professionals in malpractice cases, government regulatory matters, and disciplinary proceedings. We have represented dentists, physicians, and physical therapists before the Michigan Bureau of Health Professions Disciplinary Subcommittee. We have also represented accountants and large, national accounting firms on professional liability actions relating to taxation and other advisory activity.


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  • Successfully concluded by settlement a claim against the trustee of New York trusts for breach of fiduciary duty and alleged embezzlement of $49 million
  • Prosecution and defense of accountants' malpractice cases involving both public and private companies
  • Represented lawyers accused by ethics authorities of conduct unbecoming a lawyer, including criminal conduct.
  • Obtained dismissal by summary disposition in legal malpractice case
  • Prosecution of massive negligence claims against national insurance broker on behalf of leasing/financing subsidiary of major auto manufacturer
  • Prosecution of attorney malpractice claims arising in connection with client's loss of European patent protection
  • Prosecution of claims against wealth management consulting firm for breach of fiduciary duty, negligence and violation of Investment Advisers' Act
  • Represented hundreds of witnesses in state and federal grand jury investigations in numerous jurisdictions across the country
  • Representation of the US investment vehicle of one of Europe’s wealthiest individuals in a series of business/commercial cases pending in New York County Supreme Court and alleging breach of fiduciary duty, fraud, breach of contract, related claims
  • Represented numerous attorneys, judges in professional disciplinary matters
  • Represented a lawyer accused by ethics authorities of having a conflict of interest with a client.
  • Defense of law firms against claims of negligence arising in tax shelter, securities and general contract areas
  • Prosecution of claims against wealth management consulting firm for breach of fiduciary duty, negligence and violation of Investment Advisers' Act
  • Represented Assistant United States Attorney in investigation brought by Justice Dept Office of Professional Responsibility
  • Represented lawyer after sanctions brought by Grievance Commission
  • Represented elected prosecuting attorney in defense of professional misconduct charges
  • Represented a lawyer seeking reinstatement of his license to practice law.
  • Obtained acquittal of attorney charged with criminal contempt in federal court matter
  • Represented an attorney in criminal matter involving kickbacks on vendor contracts being funneled to corporate executive of company
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