
Butzel attorneys guide clients thorough the complex maze of governmental and regulatory approvals and requirements associated with real estate developments, business transactions, compliance audits, regulatory inspections, and day-to-day operations. We advise on compliance and permitting issues relating to virtually every major federal environmental law, including the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), the Toxic Substances Control Act, the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), the Endangered Species Act, the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and their state and local counterparts. Our team also assists with state groundwater regulations, state Brownfield laws, state watershed laws, and local zoning ordinances.

Butzel's environmental attorneys have been environmental consultants and in-house counsel for solid and hazardous waste companies. This gives us real-world experience in the solid and hazardous waste business. We provide practical counsel on all aspects of solid waste facilities, including community negotiations permitting transportation and disposal contracting landfill and treatment facility siting landfill closure and redevelopment methane recovery property acquisition recycling facilities TSD facilities and composting facilities.


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  • Ongoing representation of numerous solid waste and recycling companies on a variety of landfill compliance & permitting issues.
  • Successfully represented client in dispute with DEQ over wetland delineation for 50 acre development.
  • Counsel clients as to regulatory and health-based cleanup requirements.
  • Assisted clients in obtaining permits and defending action in alleged disturbance of an endangered species (eagles).
  • Assisted client in purchasing, tax incentives and permits of alternative fuel, R&D facility
  • Represented major manufacturer in negotiating complex remedial action plan.
  • Assisted Developer in obtaining a unique 2007 Wetland Permit that allowed the construction of a wetland shelf for sediments and dredging
  • Review and analyze environmental due diligence reports, and purchase agreements on behalf of buyers, sellers, and lenders, and advise as to potential environmental liability and available protections.
  • Represented numerous clients in obtaining, modifying and or transferring air permits.
  • Conducted environmental due diligence and organized a transfer of environmental permits for the purchase of a portable energy production facility
  • Various enforcement actions pursuant to Wayne County's air regulations against companies such as local steel and automotive corporations
  • Assisting with PUD approval, condo documents, along with wetland, shoreland and sewer water permits for a 450-acre lakefront residential development
  • Represented manufacturing company with respect to multimedia inspection by state and US EPA
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