Publication, 3.13.2023
Publication, 2.23.2023
Preparing For SBA's Vet-Owned Biz Certification Overhaul; LAW360, 2022
Publication, 12.1.2022
Publication, 10.2022
Publication, 9.22.2022
Publication, 2022
“Japan: Product Liability Laws and Regulations 2022”, (co-author, The International Comparative Legal Guide, 2022)
Publication, 2022
“6,000 Legal Measures for Financial Institutions”, (co-author, Kinzai Institute for Financial Affairs, 2022)
Publication, 7.7.2022
Publication, 5.1.2022
Protecting Trade Secrets, Detroiter Magazine
Publication, Macomb County Legal News, 3.4.2022
Publication, 2021
Co-author of chapter in the 3rd edition of the ABA Cybersecurity Handbook entitled, “Achieving Preparedness through Standards and Planning & Best Practices for Incident Response” (2021)
Publication, 2021
Co-author of ABA Vendor Contracting Cybersecurity Checklist, Second Edition (2021)
"Giving a Reason for Termination, Jackson v. Genesee County Road Commission," Labor and Employment Lawnotes, Fall 2021, Vol. 31, No. 3 (with Blake Padget)
Publication, 9.8.2021
Author, ABA, “The Continuing Cybersecurity Threat to US Energy Infrastructure” (Sept 8, 2021)
Publication, 2021
“Financial Transaction under the COVID-19 Pandemic – Digitalization of Court Proceedings”, (Ginko Homu 21, No. 878, 2021)
Publication, 2021
“The Reference of the Agreement on Bank Transaction”, (co-author, Economic Legal Research Institute, 2021)
Publication, 2021
“Japan: Foreign Direct Investment Regimes 2021”, (co-author, The International Comparative Legal Guide, 2021)
Publication, Kluwer Law International, 2020
United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) - Legal and Business Implications
MiCIA Magazine, 2.28.2020
Metropolitan Affairs Coalition, 2.25.2020
The Federalist Society, 12.4.2019
ABC SEMI Member Newsletter, 11.19.2019
Detroit Lawyer, 10.24.2019
Publication, 9.13.2019
Mich. Bill Adds to States’ Trend of Limiting Noncompetes, Law360
Michigan Lawyers Weekly, 8.27.2019
Publication, 2019
“Research on the Agreement on Bank Transactions – Changes in Notified Matters, Notification and Investigation, Applicable Branches and Jurisdiction”, (Ginko Homu 21, No. 850, 2019)
SOCIUS: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World, 7.1.2019
ICLE, 6.18.2019
The Litigation Journal - State Bar of Michigan, 6.1.2019
Crain's Detroit Business, 5.12.2019
Autonomous Vehicle Engineering, 5.1.2019
Publication, 3.3.2019
Flexibility or Certainty? Comparing the First and Second Restatements of Conflicts of Laws’ Approach to Contract Cases, 37.2 Rev. Litig. The Brief 1
Autonomous Vehicle Engineering, 3.1.2019
The Bulletin, 1.1.2019
Autonomous Vehicle Engineering, 1.1.2019
Negligence Law Section Quarterly, 12.26.2018
DBusiness, 12.14.2018
Wards Auto, 12.10.2018
Publication, 2018
Author, chapter in the 2nd edition of the ABA Cybersecurity Handbook entitled, “Best Practices for Incident Response” (2018)