
A trademark or a service mark is critical to developing your brand and protecting your valuable reputation in the market place. A trademark can be a word, name, symbol, trade dress, or almost any other device, properly used to identify and distinguish your goods and services from those of your competitors. Trademarks can be the most valuable asset of a company, and can last forever if properly used. Virtually all companies have one or more trademarks, and trademarks are key to building customer goodwill and recognition of your brand.

Our attorneys can help you develop a cost effective International trademark registration and brand strategy. We are experienced in helping with selection of a strong trademark, and clearing, registering, watching and enforcing your most valuable trademarks, worldwide.

Our attorneys also are experienced in bringing or defending trademark infringement cases, engaging in Trademark Trial & Appeal Board proceedings, and working with US Customs to record federal registrations and help prevent import of products infringing your trademarks.

To protect and enhance your brand, our attorneys also deal effectively with trademarks in connection with counterfeits, the internet, social media and domain name issues.


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  • Infringement action against mortgage company
  • Corporate identity makeover for US technology company including global trademark clearance and registration
  • Defended automotive manufacturer in trademark litigation
  • Defended manufacturer in trade dress and patent infringement lawsuit
  • Defended injection molding equipment manufacturer in trademark infringement litigation
  • Enforced finance company's trademark rights against infringer
  • Global brand/trademark portfolio management for division of major US software developer
  • Prosecution of counterfeiting and trademark infringement action for Italian jewelry designer
  • False advertising action
  • Defended website owner of a health-care related site for trademark litigation against a provider of cosmetic surgery
  • Defended surviving members of 1960's rock band in trademark and copyright infringement action against Plaintiff's heirs who sought a preliminary injunction to prevent clients from continuing to use the trademarks and copyrights relating to the band.
  • Trademark and Patent Filings
  • Assist in brand creation/trademark selection, clearance, registration, and portfolio management
  • Obtained summary judgment (and affirmance in the Court of Appeals) of copyright and trademark claims against national recording artist
  • Represented trademark owner (automotive supplier) in domain name dispute; client gained possession of infringing domain name
  • Defended publisher in trademark infringement action
  • Global brand creation/trademark selection, clearance, registration, and portfolio management for manufacturer of custom golf clubs
  • Corporate identity makeover for brand creation/trademark selection, clearance, registration and portfolio maintenance for a major US insurance/investment company
  • Defended semiconductor manufacturer in trademark infringement action. Summary judgment affirmed on appeal.
  • Defended nonprofit organization in trademark/copyright/domain name infringement litigation
  • False advertising claims for manufacturer of computer components
  • Represented pharmaceutical company in a false advertising lawsuit involving a product claiming to be the generic equivalent of a leading brand
  • Global Brand creation/trademark selection, clearance, registration, and portfolio management for New York-based maker of men's personal care products
  • Design patent and trade dress rights
  • Defended web-based retailer in a trademark infringement action brought by a major OEM over domain name
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