
Members of Butzel’s Construction Specialty Team are not only veterans of the construction profession, but recognized leaders with expertise in all phases of the construction process. Our deep industry knowledge extends from government relations to project management and more.

Whether it's bidding and building a project or understanding the nuances surrounding different types of dirt, we pride ourselves on being as capable working on public works projects as we are working with contractors. Our Team provides counsel in a variety of roles pertinent to the construction industry.

This specialized group of attorneys is recognized among industry insiders and accordingly, our clients know they can depend on us as problem solvers. We understand our clients' businesses and dedicate an individualized focus on each unique client. Knowing how to navigate through government regulations and procedures paired with our vast experience working with industry personnel enables us to get projects completed efficiently and cost effectively for our clients.

Longstanding professional relationships with major construction industry trade associations in Michigan include:

  • Michigan Infrastructure and Transportation Association
  • Associated Builders and Contractors of Southeast Michigan
  • Michigan Concrete Association
  • Asphalt Paving Association of Michigan

We take great pride in counting a substantial number of members of these organizations as our clients.

Members of Butzel’s Construction Specialty Team are frequently asked to lecture and present programs to industry professionals and other lawyers. In addition to representing clients, our attorneys serve as arbitrators, mediators, and masters in complex construction disputes and have achieved numerous successful resolutions.


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  • Successfully resolved a significant construction defect dispute with the Michigan Department of Transportation without litigation
  • Succeeded in an administrative contested claim proceeding before the Michigan Department of Transportation
  • Representing MITA as a constituent member of the Michigan Damage Prevention Board, in the ongoing re-write of Michigan's underground utility locating act, commonly known as the MISS DIG Act
  • Obtained a panel Decision of No Cause of Action for our client in a complex construction case involving the construction of a water intake bed on the floor of Lake Michigan
  • Successfully represented joint venture contractor in the negotiated resolution of delay and acceleration claims exceeding $1M primarily arising out of defective design and interference issues on a complex road and sewer reconstruction project
  • Successfully represented subcontractor in prosecution of Miller Act Payment Bond claim in connection with USAF airfield reconstruction project in Kansas.
  • Represented LG Chem in the acquisition of land, obtaining various government grants and tax incentives and the drafting and negotiating of the construction contract for a $303 million advanced lithium ion battery manufacturing facility.
  • Negotiated construction and development contracts for commercial office building
  • Successfully represented prime and subcontractor in prosecution of multi-million dollar delay claims on a Michigan Department of Transportation construction project
  • Successfully represented the industry in halting the announced “non-public opening of bid” on a $120M site civil construction project at a major Michigan airport and procuring the re-advertisement of the project providing for full competitive bidding.
  • Has successfully represented infrastructure contractors and subcontractors in connection with private works projects involving delay, interference and extra/changed work disputes and prosecution of construction lien foreclosure claims throughout Michigan.
  • Successfully prosecuted administrative appeals to preclude awards to second bidders on three MDOT construction contracts totaling more than $14M.
  • Prepared an administrative appeal and concurrently prepared the suit for immediate injuctive relief; our efforts were successful in preventing an award of the $14 million contract to the second bidder
  • Represented two contractors in connection with multiple local and federal fraud false claims act investigations of construction projects at a major airport
  • Successfully represented prime contractor and subcontractor in recovering $1.5M claim for extra work on a MDOT bridge reconstruction contract
  • Successfully represented prime contractor in resolution of multi-million dollar delay claim on Texas Department of Transportation Project
  • Represented prevailing contractor in a Conflict Resolution Team proceeding involving significant warranty work claim by MDOT.
  • Has successfully represented contractors and subcontractors in numerous delay, acceleration, Differing Site Conditions, extra work, defective and warranty work, and contract interpretation disputes with MDOT in the administrative claims review process
  • Successfully represented without litigation the contractor engaged to construct the new "ring road" around the perimeter of a local Michigan airport
  • Successfully represented prime contractor in warranty work dispute on an airport pavement rehabilitation project in Florida.
  • Lead lawyers for conversion of a City of Detroit housing project into multi-use, residential property under federal program
  • Successfully represented prime contractor in resolution of warranty disputes and subcontractor disputes on a major freeway reconstruction project for the Indiana Department of Transportation.
  • Advised the special committee of the board of directors of a building products company in a management-led acquisition
  • Successfully represented performance bond surety in obtaining a No Cause of Action in a complex case involving the construction of an off shore water intake facility on the bottom of Lake Michigan.
  • Successfully represented the joint venture prime contractor in the resolution of all claims without litigation on a $120M, four year construction project at a major Michigan airport
  • Has successfully represented construction industry trade associations in resolution of matters affecting the transportation infrastructure construction industry in Michigan.
  • Successful defense of major construction industry manufacturer against claims of employee raiding
  • Successfully represented prime contractors and subcontractors in resolution of federal and local false claim act investigations on multiple projects at major airports in Michigan and Tennessee
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