Butzel's technology and e-discovery attorneys help clients address the legal and business implications that technology inevitably introduces. We have a wide range of expertise relating to all facets of technology and electronic discovery.

Our team takes a cross-disciplinary approach to technology-related concerns. Our attorneys and technology specialists come from various practices: administrative and regulatory law, corporate law, employee benefits, intellectual property, internet law, labor and employment, litigation, media law, records management and retention, and taxation. We integrate these specialized legal skills and technology expertise to address specific client needs. We can assist companies by reviewing and updating existing document and information management policies and procedures assessing information systems and electronically stored information (ESI) developing and implementing litigation hold policies and procedures and navigating discovery of ESI during litigation.

We have represented technology-based companies in all aspects of their operations, including mergers, acquisitions, financing, security concerns, encryption, licensing, intellectual property issues, employment matters, employee benefit plans, non-compete agreements, and executive compensation. We have also represented companies relating to computer software issues. We counsel on development agreements licensing and use intellectual property, including copyright and trademark issues and any related litigation that arises.

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